Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our first ever group blog!

Well basically there are three people who are going to run this blog; Sherylyn, KC, and me (Rennie). 

Things we're planning to post in this blog:

  • Some short stories, poetry, and other literary pieces made by Sherylyn
  • Reviews of products we've used before
  • Our food trip madness (hey we're 18 yr old girls, food will always be a part of everything we do)
  • Places we've been to 
  • Some random things we could think of

We never really planned to make a blog but then KC suggested we make one after I told her that my super long post got 2K+ notes in tumblr. We got excited with that idea and... BOOM! Here's the blog we got so excited about. Have fun reading our future posts and we hope you like them =)

*~*Click here to view that said post*~* (yes shameful plugging)

-Rennie ♥

KC, Rennie , Sherylyn

Rennie, KC, Sherylyn


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