Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We people are smart in nature but there are GENIUS people out there who discovered efficient ways to solve troublesome situations or just to make our lives easier to live. I've researched some household, gadget, cooking hacks or simply, life hacks that would benefit and save us teenagers from our everyday problem and annoying situations. There also tips and tricks that will make our fun life more exciting! Don't worry, I chose hacks that do not require much effort because some hacks require too much work. This post is dedicated to all teenagers who struggle to to survive everyday *Does the District 12 gesture* There are two parts of life hacks that I'll be posting. Here's the second part. :) ENJOY!!!

We all have lazy days (as for me, everyday is a lazy day hahaha!). Microwave cooking is the best solution for those who are too lazy to cook. Left overs from the fridge, microwave then boom you have a food to eat! But sometimes it's kinda annoying that some food (especially bread based food) gets chewy, hard or worse, inedible after putting in the microwave or in some instances, the food is not yet hot

I love cooking (yes I can cook food) but cutting/chopping onions is one of the things I hate. The juice of the onion goes into my eyes and it really hurts. I thank the person who had this idea!

Having a problem separating egg yolks from egg whites?

If you don't like when your mom ask you to list down the things that she needs to buy in the grocery, get your mom's phone and take a picture of your fridge or even your storage! Hahahaha! 

Bless the person who invented this chip bag fold! Trust me, it's not as easy as it seems. This will require A LOT of practice.

I bet we are all annoyed every time we untie a plastic bag.


This DIY speaker will save us money from buying expensive speakers. But another alternative speaker would be a bowl or a glass. 

For all Apple users out there! This is a pretty good idea!!! This will also save us from buying cords.

Ninja Fold!!!!! This is one of my favorite since I don't know how to fold neatly ;)

Important reminder :)) 

I don't know if it works to all people but still I included this one. It might be helpful to you guys.

For those who are a bit befuddled for the name of this method of studying, Pomodoro kitchen timer is a tomato shaped timer used in cooking or baking so the "Pomodoro Method" is named after the kitchen timer. Btw, Pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato :)

 This would be helpful to the guys or to those students who have a necktie on their uniforms :))

So this is the first part of the "hacks" that I've researched. I only gathered some, but there a lot of hacks you can find. I hope you learned a lot from my post. 

Credits to the owners!

- KC :D.


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